by 221userUUuser112 | May 23, 2020 | Septic Tank Installation
As the Coronavirus crisis hit in early 2020 you could be forgiven for putting the new 2020 government legislation regarding septic tanks to the back of your mind. However, this legislation still stands and you must ensure your current septic tank system meets...
by 221userUUuser112 | May 23, 2020 | Uncategorized
These are difficult times for all of us and after a short period of closure, EDS is happy to announce that we are back working again following strict government guidelines. We have implemented a number of measures to reduce the risk to our staff and clients. All our...
by 221userUUuser112 | Oct 13, 2019 | Uncategorized
Are you ready for the 1 st January 2020 binding rules! Does your property have a septic tank which discharges to a watercourse? Or are you thinking of buying a property with a current septic tank system? If so, there is a very important change in the law which you...
by 221userUUuser112 | Sep 7, 2019 | Uncategorized
Another New Forest Show has been and gone, but this year saw beautiful blue skies for the whole 3 day period – not a wellington boot in sight (unless you count the gorgeous ones for sale on the array of stands!) The turnout was not surprisingly very high, with the...
by 221userUUuser112 | Aug 31, 2019 | Uncategorized
The term “riverside sewage treatment plants” is likely to evoke unpleasant images. The mental image may be of a giant factory need a gleaming river. But this is not the case- for one thing treatment systems are often relatively small and it is important to use them...